I am having trouble determining the difference between typing keys in
manually and using push or macro.

I start from a deafult mutt configuration (mutt -F /dev/null) and set
the following:
  set editor='echo ok > '
        macro index y 'r<return><return>n'

If I it y in the index i get an error 'Aborted unmodified message.' If i
type the 4 characters, however, I am left at the Compose menu. What is
the difference between the two methods?

For those that are interested (and those thinking I am strange) I am
looking for a method to hit a key and send the reply "ok" in the body of
the message to the person (listserv) that sent the mail to me.


Five hundred, twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure...?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.louisville.edu/~rjmill01/
Triangle Fraternity                   http://www.louisville.edu/rso/triangle/
Golden Key National Honor Society     http://www.louisville.edu/rso/goldenkey/

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