On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 07:26:42PM -0800, Daniel Eisenbud wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 06:14:26PM -0800, Joe Rhett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I realize that most of you have filters which keep you from seeing doubles,
> > but this doesn't mean that the problem shouldn't be resolved. Is there any
> > good reason for the list to send 2 copies of everything?
> Yeah, I'm finding this pretty annoying too.  What's happening is that
> some subscriber is actually bouncing back a copy of each mail to the
> list.  Since it seems to only be one copy of each message, they either
> have loop prevention in their mailer, or they are using procmail or
> something to do loop prevention or simply to suppress duplicates.  The
> problem might actually be duplicate suppression gone wrong...  If you
> look at the headers, you'll notice that one of the copies of each mail
> has gone from the sender to mutt.org (gbnet.net, that is) then to a site
> in Russia, then back to mutt.org, and then to you.  Steve, could you
> remove this subscriber from the list and ask them to fix their setup
> before resubscribing?

Is this still happening, I put a filter in the majordomo rules file
to check for a delivered to header, which should bounce these types
of double posting to me ...

Can someone mail me an occurance of further messages like this ?


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