I had enormous problems getting threading to work because all of my mail comes from geocities.com, as I only discovered recently. For some reason the geocities mail server sticks a blank line in the message headers which seems to confuse Mutt and it won't display subjects or threading in index mode. I'm about to email geocities about this but first I'm posting my immediate solution.a perl script I whacked together which scans a file (provided as an argument) and removes blank lines which occur after a line starting with Lines: eg ./mailfix.pl /var/spool/mail/staeci This carries the usual user beware warning. It hasn't managled my email yet but it may do so in the future. I'm not a competent C programmer so a patch for Mutt from me is not possible, but I suggest modifying it to take into account non-standard headers, or at least blank lines etc in them. -- Resistance is pleasurable [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/orchard/8781/
#!/usr/bin/perl # run with the name of the mail folder you want to modify as am agrument with full path # name. eg ./mailfix.pl /var/spool/mail/staeci &open_mbox; sub open_mbox { $file=$ARGV[0]; open(file, "$file"); @mailbox=<file>; close file; &modify; } sub modify { $end=@mailbox; for($x=1;$x<=$end;$x=$x+1) { if (($mailbox[$x] =~ /^Lines:/) && ($mailbox[$x+1] =~ /^\n/)) { $mailbox[$x+1]=""; $count=$count+1; } } if ($count > 0) { print "Changes: $count\n"; open (new, ">$file"); print new @mailbox; close new; } else { print "no changes necessary\n"; } } # author: Darrin Mison # date :2nd January 1998 # This file is covered by GNU Public Licence - you know the story