On 01/19/99 Gero Treuner uttered the following other thing:
> In further private communication the problem appears to be in the imap
> parts.
> Markus reported that a simple mail shown above is not decoded when
> viewing it from the imap server directly. After saving it to a
> folder and view it again it is working.
> Since I don't have an imap server and therefore can't reproduce the bug,
> is there any taker to look into this?
I'll look into it, but I need to see the message?
Brandon Long "... a boy who gets a 'C-minus' in
MD6 Crash Test Dummy Appreciation of Televison can't be all bad."
Intel Corporation -- Robert Heinlein, _Starship Troopers_
I'm too low on the totem pole to speak for Intel.