On Thu 1999-01-21 (16:09), David DeSimone wrote:
> Doesn't the new character-set-handling code in 0.95 make this sort of
> thing obsolete?
No, because my autoview_parameter-patch let you choose an autoview mode
with ANY content-type combination, not just text/plain!
For example you can use now:
autoview "application/msword;encoding=RTF"
With the normal autoview command you can only select a content-type
without regarding the parameter (the string behind the ";").
\ Ulli 'Framstag' Horlacher \ BelWue-Koordination \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
\ Universitaet Stuttgart \ Allmandring 3a \ D-70550 Stuttgart \ Germany \
\ SAFT://saft.belwue.de/framstag \ HTTP://www.belwue.de/ \
\ "X.500: Security through Complexity" - Juergen G. \