On 01/25/99 Daniel Eisenbud uttered the following other thing:
> On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 03:47:12PM -0700, Phil Humpherys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > 
> > Hmm.  Small section..  it'd be nice if you could configure some
> > scoring on the fly...
> You can (":score ...") but of course then it doesn't get written out to
> your .muttrc.  However, if you make a macro that calls a script that
> takes your input and appends it to .muttrc.score, then sources
> .muttrc.score, that would do it nicely (I think you'd need an unscore *
> at the beginning of said file...)

And yes, that's ugly.  Something that a built in scripting language
might make quite a bit better, though (ie, you could set up macros for
"kill subject", "kill thread" or the like


Brandon Long ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             [http://www.fiction.net/blong/]

 "my objection to the notion of God is that the idea lacks elegance."
         -- Giles Bowkett

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