I have a suggestion for mutt in the future, and this is the only place I
can think to send it.
By the way, thanks to those who helped me fix that problem with my headers.
I've gotten it to do everything the way I want it, (if this mail ever gets
where it's supposed to go)
On rare occasions, because of some problem with sendmail, or whatever it
might be, mutt hangs while it trys to send a mail and goes to a blank screen
normally the switch back is instantaneous, but when somethings up with yoru
mailer, it can hang for 4-5 secs. It would be cool if mutt did something
about that...i.e. forked a copy of itself to send the mail while presentin
g the UI back to the user as the mail just sent was being mailed, etc.
Just a suggestion. :)
David Allen
When I say the magic word to all these people, they will vanish forever.
I will then say the magic words to you, and you, too, will vanish -- never
to be seen again.
-- Kurt Vonnegut Jr., "Between Time and Timbuktu"