The utility called newsbody have not been availible for some
months. Now it is back in a new improved version.

The program is used to remove headers, quotes, and/or signature
from a email or news message before invoking some other program
(e.g. a spellchecker) on the remaining part. Eventually the
remaining part with possible changes is again merged with the
headers, quotes and/or signature.

It can e.g. be used to invoke ispell from Mutt's compose menu to
spell check only new text without quotes and signature. To do this
can you either use Mutt's built-in ispell command:

  Make a shell script with this command line:
    "newsbody -hqs -n $2 -p ispell -- -x %f"
  and "set ispell=path/to/script" in your .muttrc

or you can call newsbody directly using the filter-entry command:

  Make e.g. this macro in your .muttrc:
    macro compose i \
      "<filter-entry>newsbody -hqs -n - -p ispell -- -x %f<enter>" \
      "run ispell on the selected part"

Newsbody will hopefully run on all platforms where mutt can run,
but I only have a Linux system to test it on. If something special
is needed on your particular platform, please tell me about it.

Newsbody is free (under GPL) and can be downloadet from

- Byrial

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