Erwan David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       You must quote the '!', so your line should be
> mailboxes '!' =mutt-users =mgetty =bannedndamned

That's not true; I'm not quoting it, and it works for me.

The more likely problem is that some sort of E-mail checker program is
examining these folders for new mail.  This changes the access-time on
the folder, and makes Mutt think that you already read the mail (using
some other program).

Either fix your E-mail checker (Xbuffy has a fix that does this), or use
the --enable-buffy-size option to configure Mutt to look inside the
folder rather than use timestamps to optimize the check for new mail.

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
Convex Division  |    PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

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