
Apologizing for the very late reply..
Sirius via Mutt-dev wrote in
 |In days of yore (Sat, 20 Apr 2024), Steffen Nurpmeso thus quoth: 
 |> Kurt Hackenberg wrote in
 |> I do not, actually.  Especially since it already is actively used.
 |> The question always is "how do receivers act upon this", of
 |> course, and this especially means the graphical, even
 |> browser-based monsters which users cannot configure, more, which
 |> have uneducated -- or better say "unaware" -- user bases.
 |I would worry less about the users and more about breaking clients. The
 |method of "be liberal about what you receive and conservative about what
 |you send" is apt. Being standards-compliant is safe.

Ah, do you know about any one client which fails on headers it
does not understand, instead of simply searching for the
separating empty line in between the header block and the
successive content?  I have not reread 2045-9, ... ok i have
reread 2045 and it says

  9.  Additional MIME Header Fields

     Future documents may elect to define additional MIME header fields
     for various purposes.  Any new header field that further describes
     the content of a message should begin with the string "Content-" to
     allow such fields which appear in a message header to be
     distinguished from ordinary RFC 822 message header fields.

This implies that ordinary header fields can be expected to occur,
unless someone who wants to read a standard supercorrect fails in
doing so.

 |> Those clients, and i do not even know how well GMail or Outlook
 |> (or Apple Mail) can deal with S/MIME or PGP signed or even
 |Outlook and Apple Mail are able to use S/MIME out of the box. GnuPG is
 |something you have to work on to get to a functioning state, but it is
 |possible. For GMail there is a browser-plugin called FlowCrypt that will
 |give you GnuPG encryption. For Apple Mail, using MacGPG will do the same.
 |Not sure about browser mail via icloud.com, but FlowCrypt should work
 |there too (I just have not tested it). Outlook and GnuPG I have not tried
 |to get working, but there is some GUI offering of GnuPG for Windows, so I
 |assume it is possible.

Interesting, thanks for the info.

 |>|I would like to hold off on this until the draft becomes an RFC, if \
 |>|it does.
 |Agreed - though as Mutt can produce at least the Subject line this way
 |when signing messages, we can test different mail clients to see how they
 |behave. I will endeavour to test Mac Mail, Outlook (new) and web-UI for
 |Gmail, Outlook and Apple mail to see how they render it. I will also test
 |I do not envisage clients breaking, but never say never. Stranger things
 |have happened throughout history.
 |Kind regards,
 --End of <zisckdaosnoag...@acer.trudheim.com>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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