Hi all, I've come across what I believe is an inconsistency in message forwarding. It seems that encrypted and non-encrypted messages are treated differently. When I forward a full message as "message/rfc822", I expect the same result, regardless of encryption status.
With current settings, set forward_decode=no set mime_forward=ask-yes I can forward a whole message as "message/rfc822", including all attachments. But only if it is not encrypted. If the message is encrypted (in my case, using S/MIME - I have not investigated PGP/MIME) and has, say, a pdf attachment, after answering the "Forward as attachment?" question (yes), the pdf attachment is displayed just like when the message is viewed (via the auto_view mechanism), then the editor is opened, and upon exit, the compose menu is shown. Here, one can clearly see that the new attachment is much smaller than the original message, it contains only the text part. Original encrypted message: I 1 <no description> [multipa/alternativ, 7bit, 11K] I 2 |-><no description> [text/plain, 8bit, iso-8859-1, 1.4K] I 3 `-><no description> [text/html, quoted, iso-8859-1, 9.5K] A 4 ghostbusters.pdf [applica/pdf, base64, 289K] Forwarded message (before sending): - I 1 /tmp/mutt-zool-2345234-1522-66787906246857[text/plain, 7bit, utf-8, 0.1K] - I 2 Original Subject [message/rfc822, 8bit, 3.4K] The result is the same regardless of "include_encrypted" no/yes, but then that is to be expected as the manual states it covers separately encrypted attachment contents only, which is not the case here. I have taken the manual's notice about "accidental exposure of encrypted contents" on board. But in this case, the warning is moot as the forwarded message defaults to the same encryption status as the original. Thx.