Mutt Gideon, you have something i want - quest to deliver Grogu to its kind - program peer-to-peer programs, including new competitive games
you may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of but you do not - redoing what's been done before is like Amonbofis offering Cleopatra to build its-always-been-done-like-this palace when she wants Numerobis to do it, turning program into project like Metrocity pushing Metroman to be their hero when he wants to be Musicman, siding with First Order by accepting galaxy without peer-to-peer games, email, github, twitch when the Force is peer-to-peer, sitting down for maintaining a half-tombstone comfy program instead of going forward and programming - in words of Pierce: Wolverine, seeing you like this breaks ma dam' heart soon he will be back with me - plain as Cowspiracy: if Eliud Kipchoge instead of breaking 2 hour barrier buried his talents as some school coach, if torrent clients accepted Empire-server-networks-only galaxy instead of being the Republic of data and generating most traffic, if Jesus instead of healing Canaanite woman's daughter blindly followed instructions - even Joker would give up Gotham to them for being scarier villains he means more tome than you will ever know - even dust of Mutt's valley we shake off of Blurrg feet, but be sure - peer-to-peer programs, including fresh competitive games - are sprouting, no projects no experiments no docs no money/donate/ad/sponsor/coin lethal corrosion - programs who are guests not workers, alive and singing with their won voice like Adele Hello, better than what Death Star of money can clone-gram - are on their way, along with Pat Brown and Impossible Foods mission - both will be served in vegan jar of beskar parens ( ) this is the way Ricky Gervais: i like a drink as much as the next man, unless the next man - is Mel Gibson