Hi Kevin,

On Tuesday, 2021-04-27 10:17:29 -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:

> What if we added an allow_8bit parameter to the function, that also passed
> through bytes with the 8th bit set?  I'd keep this set off in all other
> invocations except the mailcap invocations.

Allowing *all* 8-bit may be ill advised. I'd disallow at least resulting
U+0080 to U+009F Unicode control characters (C1 control codes). Also
exclude the non-characters U+FFFE and U+FFFF. But, what text encoding
are we actually talking about? 8bit suggests UTF-8 encoding or
ISO-8859-... code pages (not assuming EBCDIC ;P). I don't see that
mutt_buffer_sanitize_filename() or its calling contexts have any notion
about text encoding. Assuming UTF-8 (as path names are supposed to be),
check for valid sequences?


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