Hi all,

I stumbled over an issue with the subject these days, which I aleady saw
1-2 years ago, causing the subject to be displayed corruptly on another

It looks that there are inconsistencies in various places (even on the
other device), and - while preparing for a fix - more knowledge about
how it should be is highly welcome.

I created it in Gitlab as

So if anyone knows how to sort things - please respond. I can also be
available for a conversation on IRC or via phone (will send my number on


A subject "Große wordxxxx word wordxx" (edited in utf-8 locale, "ß" is 2
bytes) in composing messages ends in the message as (raw)

Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Gro=DF?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?e?= wordxxxx word wordxx

Although this is technically valid, these are consequences

* word "Große" is split into 2 encoded blocks

* I interpret RFC2047 that separating encoded blocks by space (without
  newline) means two words, so space should be displayed to the user as-is
  (Mutt doesn't display the space, but this probably is a different story)

* This causes interoperability problems: In iOS mail app the "ß" is
  displayed as invalid character (which also is insane behaviour, as
  encoding for the character is fine - well, the form of encoding by Mutt
  is also "special")


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