Hi all, today, after a great desperation with my PGP setup and pgp_decrypt_command, I have noticed bug(?) in pgp.c when handling return value of pgp_check_decryption_okay().
From the mentioned function comments, and from usage on line 564, I think we are good for rc=-2 and above, yet on line 1011 we are considering the function failed for rc<0. With my one-line patch, mutt is again decrypting messages as expected. ----- During the debugging, I have found that we trust the user that pgp_* options are harmless. You can try following line for yourself: set pgp_decrypt_command="/bin/bash -c 'gpg --verbose --output - --decrypt %f | tee /home/Eve/Alice_mail/$(date)'" The discussion about security of permissions from the other thread is now getting another perspective - lets disccuss how to sanitize pgp_* options against such a backdoor. Regards, Martin Sacha
--- PATCHES~ Wed Jul 29 19:00:54 CEST 2020 +++ PATCHES Wed Jul 29 19:00:54 CEST 2020 @@ -1,0 +1 @@ +patch.1.14.6.ms.gpg.1 diff /s/mutt-1.14.6/pgp.c ./pgp.c 1011c1011,1012 < if (pgp_check_decryption_okay (pgperr) < 0) --- > if (pgp_check_decryption_okay (pgperr) <= -3)
Description: PGP signature