Vincent Lefevre wrote in
 |On 2020-05-11 20:38:19 +0200, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> Vincent Lefevre wrote in
 |> <>:
 |>|Related to commit 7bd57bc3c24adf97f1f57bd6bb2fd18347f8cbbd, is
 |>|dotlocking still used nowadays?
 |> I find yes.  Or at least last i looked, some MTAs aka MDA or
 |> whatever the right name is (LDA?  postfix
 |> (configurable), i think OpenBSDs mail.local (which saw heavy
 |> modifications lately though)) create these files,
 |OK, but it seems that all of them support fcntl locking. Under Debian,
 |procmail, postfix and exim seem to use both by default. Concerning
 |procmail, it is provided with a setgid /usr/bin/lockfile. For postfix,
 |its documentation says:
 |  Note: The dotlock method requires that the recipient UID or GID has |  
write access to the parent directory of the mailbox file.
 |So it seems that dotlocking does not always work.

Well, for my MUA i propagated a >2 decade old piece of code to
a different and standalone context, made it SETUID, and happily
introduced a local root CVE.  That is doable.

 |> and then i think it seems sensible to embed in this locking
 |> strategy. That is what i use for my MUA, though on OpenBSD, MacOS
 |> and some others (Fedora at least) OPT_DOTLOCK is disabled, and on
 |> Debian the maintainer has made the dotlock helper a SETGID instead
 |> of a SETUID program, which should be enough for the plain Debian
 |> mailspool, however.
 |Yes, because the group can write into it:
 |drwxrwsr-x 2 root mail 4096 2020-05-10 22:22:08 /var/mail/
 |Now, even if dotlocking isn't dropped, I don't think that it
 |should be mandatory. IMHO,
 |  * one should be able to specify the location of the dotlock program
 |    at run time (so that non-root users could install a more recent
 |    version of Mutt in their home directory);

A real problem.

  #?0|kent:src$ ll /usr/local/libexec/s-nail-dotlock
  -r-sr-xr-x 1 root users 50520 Aug 18  2019 /usr/local/libexec/s-nail-dotlock*
  #?0|kent:src$ ll /usr/local/bin/s-nail
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 steffen steffen 4883544 Apr 26 03:01 /usr/local/bin/s-nail*

 |  * one should be able to use dotlocking in an optional way, i.e.
 |    just as an additional security, in addition to fcntl: if there
 |    is no sufficient directory permission to create a lock file,
 |    then ignore dotlocking and just rely on fcntl (which should be
 |    fine for most users).

I mean fcntl is more than enough, sure.  It is just that i think
(my MUA allows setting "dotlock-disable") that if you live on
a system where your local MDA uses fcntl+dotlock then you should
embed in fcntl+dotlock.  The situation as you find it on multiple
systems is that the MDA is configured to use dotlock by default
(like i said, postfix release does by default unless my memory
fools me, OpenBSD mail.local also did i think), but user software,
and if only through packager decisions, just does not care.  Too
many captains, too few soldiers, maybe.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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