On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 04:02:52PM +0100, Christian Ebert wrote:
* Christian Ebert on Monday, October 14, 2019 at 15:50:01 +0100:
+macro pager y "<exit><browse-mailboxes>" "show incoming mailboxes list"

As there's now a clean command instead of macro hacks - thank
you, Kevin -, it may be worth considering to integrate this
directly in browse-mailboxes?

Hi Christian,

I forgot about that patch from you last year.

However, I'd like to review the reasons for this before applying your new patch. How is this any difference from calling <change-folder> or <sidebar-open> from the pager? Why should 'y' behave differently?

What exactly are you doing that generates the error when invoking 'y' from the pager. Is there any reason why you shouldn't create the macro yourself in that case?

Kevin J. McCarthy
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