
I downloaded mutt-1.12.1 today, and tried to compile it.  I ran
configure thusly:

./configure --enable-sidebar --enable-compressed  --enable-hcache

Then make failed to link, thusly:

gcc -std=gnu99  -Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long -g -O2  -L/lib -o mutt 
addrbook.o alias.o attach.o base64.o browser.o buffer.o buffy.o color.o crypt.o 
cryptglue.o commands.o complete.o compose.o copy.o curs_lib.o curs_main.o 
date.o edit.o enter.o flags.o init.o filter.o from.o getdomain.o group.o 
handler.o hash.o hdrline.o headers.o help.o hook.o keymap.o main.o mbox.o 
menu.o mh.o mx.o pager.o parse.o pattern.o postpone.o query.o recvattach.o 
recvcmd.o rfc822.o rfc1524.o rfc2047.o rfc2231.o rfc3676.o score.o send.o 
sendlib.o signal.o sort.o status.o system.o thread.o charset.o history.o lib.o 
muttlib.o editmsg.o mbyte.o url.o ascii.o crypt-mod.o safe_asprintf.o 
patchlist.o conststrings.o  pgp.o pgpinvoke.o pgpkey.o pgplib.o gnupgparse.o 
pgpmicalg.o pgppacket.o crypt-mod-pgp-classic.o smime.o 
crypt-mod-smime-classic.o sidebar.o compress.o resize.o hcache.o md5.o 
mutt_idna.o   -lncursesw -lidn       -L/usr/lib// -ldb-4.3
buffy.o: In function `mutt_parse_mailboxes':
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/buffy.c:276: undefined reference to 
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/buffy.c:310: undefined reference to 
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/buffy.c:326: undefined reference to `mutt_monitor_add'
curs_lib.o: In function `mutt_monitor_getch':
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/curs_lib.c:141: undefined reference to 
curs_main.o: In function `mutt_index_menu':
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/curs_main.c:636: undefined reference to 
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/curs_main.c:1342: undefined reference to 
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/curs_main.c:1390: undefined reference to 
/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1/curs_main.c:1356: undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [mutt] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ddm/tmp/mutt-1.12.1'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I have made no effort to determine why, as of yet.  I don't have the
cycles right now.  I may try after work, if I'm not exhausted,
assuming I don't see a reply that explains it before then.  I may also
just configure with --disable-filemonitor and try again, but I suspect
I want whatever awesomeness that brings (I vaguely remember a
discussion about this but sadly not the details).

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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