Ticket #144 revealed an issue on OpenBSD (and therefore possibly other *BSD's). The behavior of their make is different from GNU make with respect to transitive FORCE targets.
In GNU make, it always invoke the 'version.h' target, but then checks to see if version.h changed before retriggering targets with that prerequisite. On OpenBSD, invoking the version.h target always retriggers targets with that prerequisite.
This is causing a problem with their package building, because a rebuild is occurring during 'make install' when the install is overriding certain installation directories.
Of course, if anyone has an idea how to do this in a way that works portably, we can revisit. But for now I consider their build issues more important than the minor convenience for developers.
-- Kevin J. McCarthy GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C 5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA
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