Does this mean that WKD would always be enabled?

The quadoption would allow the user to set to automatic (yes), prompt
(ask-yes/ask-no), or disable (no).  I'd like feedback from everyone, but
I am disinclined to default-enable something that send http requests
out without the user fully understanding what's going on.

Yes, I agree. I think it's safe to say that it will never be enabled by default.

I'm thinking about how would get_candidates be modified.

Currently it's (pseudocode):

get_candidates() {
  // searches only locally by default
  keys = keylist_search();
  return keys;

After the change it would be (assuming wkd_search would be the option):

get_candidates() {
  if (wkd_search == "automatic") {
    keylist_mode(LOCAL | EXTERNAL); // enables auto WKD
  keys = keylist_search();
  if (!keys) {
    if (wkd_search == "ask") {
answer = ask("Key not found locally, do you want to search user's domain for their key?")
      if (answer == "yes") {
         keylist_mode(LOCAL | EXTERNAL);
         keys = keylist_search();
  return keys;

The text to ask is up for discussion, I'm just asking if this general flow of code sounds good.

Another question: what would be the default value for "wkd_search" - "ask" or "no"?

Kind regards,


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