On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:35:53AM +0100, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 06:11:33PM +0200, Eike Rathke wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Friday, 2017-09-22 13:16:38 -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> > 
> > > So the question is if (g)roup reply with 'set reply_self; unset metoo'
> > > should disable the $nometoo behavior.  I think so, but please chime in!
> > 
> > Might make sense. But I'd not expect it. I'd rather not expect
> > $reply_self to affect group reply at all, only normal reply. So whether
> > myself is in the list of recipients in a group reply should depend only
> > on $metoo.
> > 
> > But maybe that's me, I find the behaviour of an unset $reply_self
> > logical and setting $reply_self rather odd..
> I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with mutt internals in order to know
> which way it's better. I just think that the current behavior is
> wrong, and needs to be fixed so that group replies to an email sent by
> myself don't end up batching the Cc into the To field.
My previous reply never did make it through.

I agree with Eike that I find $reply_self odd, so that makes me a poor
judge of "correct" behavior.

Yet, I also agree with Roger that the current behavior for a group
reply is very strange.  The code _is_ initially setting To according to
$reply_self for a group reply, but the $nometoo ends up mangling it,
which does not happen for the reply case.

So I'm inclined to push the patch: with a caveat that any screams from
other users will incur a revert.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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