#3916: Mutt 1.8: TOFU host certificate not working
  Reporter:  kratem32  |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major     |  Milestone:  1.8
 Component:  crypto    |    Version:
Resolution:            |   Keywords:  tofu

Comment (by m-a):

 So from reading the code, mutt aborts if you select "reject" and you can't
 get past it, OTOH if you were to select "once", it'd consider that
 sufficient and not present the other certificates. I don't see a
 workaround through mutt's menus though.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3916#comment:4>
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The Mutt mail user agent

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