On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 11:52:32PM +0000, isdtor wrote:
> > It would be useful to know if you see the problem with a vanilla 1.7.1,
> > vanilla 1.7.2 and default tip right now.
> In brief: after 1.7.2. See below.
> > My understanding is that the warning notice is occuring because the
> > certficate presented by the server is expired, which shouldn't have
> > anything to do with your local certificate store, so I'm a bit confused.
> That's not consistent with the experience here. The problem is very
> clearly related to the local store.

Okay, my understanding is not a great as it should be then.  Let me ask
a few questions to try and help me understand.

Do you have $ssl_usesystemcerts set, and is your system properly
set up with a system certificate store?  Or, are you working completely
off your $certificate_file?

Do you have $ssl_verify_dates set?

What are the validity dates for your "CN=Google G2, Issuer=Geotrust"
certificate in local store?  Is that cert actually expired, or is the
prompt incorrect?

Last, would you mind creating debug logs (at level -d 2) for the two
cases you mention happening in default tip:  with the expired
imap.google.com certificate (i.e. your local certificate file has three
entries), and without the expired imap.google.com certificate.

What I hear you saying is that *with* the expired imap.google.com
certificate, you are getting a prompt for an expired Google G2 cert
(the 2nd in the chain).  But without the expired imap.google.com you
are getting no prompt.  Is that right?

Kevin J. McCarthy
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