#3828: mutt-1.6.0: send fails after canceling pgp with pgp_autoinline set
Reporter:  william  |   Owner:
    Type:  defect   |  Status:  new
Priority:  major    |
 Package: mutt
 Version: 1.6.0
 Severity: normal

 -- Please type your report below this line

 If I tell mutt to send signed, signed and encrypted (possibly other
 crypt options as well), then clear the flag (with '(c)lear' or
 '(f)orget'; the compose menu shows 'Security: None' set), but don't have
 any pgp software configured, it won't send, and if I suspend Mutt, I see
 this in the console: Invoking PGP...

 This persists across postponing / resuming; if I look at the draft, it
 has the header:
 X-Mutt-PGP: I
 [or whatever options were set]

 I'm not sourcing any gpg commands in my Mutt config on this machine,
 since I don't use PGP / GPG there. However, I did have 'pgp_autoinline'
 option set by accident, since I kept that in the part of my configs with

 So, low priority, but I think the entire 'X-Mutt-PGP' header should be
 cleared (including the I flag) when you clear crypt options for a

 -- System Information
 System Version: Darwin jazz 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Tue Sep
 1 21:23:09 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.50.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

 -- Mutt Version Information

 Mutt 1.6.0 (2016-04-01)
 Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Michael R. Elkins and others.
 Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
 Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

 System: Darwin 14.5.0 (x86_64)
 ncurses: ncurses 5.7.20081102 (compiled with 5.7)
 libiconv: 1.11
 hcache backend: tokyocabinet 1.4.48

 Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr
 Apple LLVM version 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)
 Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0
 Thread model: posix

 Configure options: '--enable-hcache' '--enable-imap' '--with-ssl'
 '--enable-smtp' '--with-sasl=/usr/local' '--with-included-gettext'

 Compilation CFLAGS: -Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long -g -O2

 Compile options:
 To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@mutt.org>.
 To report a bug, please visit http://bugs.mutt.org/.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3828>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent

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