Hi Mutt Users,

[Editor's note: this release is thanks to the perseverance and effort
of the indefatigable Kevin McCarthy]

We've just released 1.5.24 to

Note that the URL directory is slightly different from before, and
that this release is signed with Kevin's key [1].

1.5.24 contains several new features in addition to bug fixes, perhaps
hinting it's past time to release 1.6.0.  At the very least, the Mutt
team would like to encourage everyone to consider this release as
"very close to stable" and suggest anyone still using the 1.4 series
please upgrade.

A few changes were made to the suggested GPG and S/MIME configuration
settings.  Please take the time to review the UPDATING file, as well
as the sample gpg.rc and smime.rc files under the contrib

We'd like to thank everyone who contributed patches, bug reports,
translation, feedback, documentation updates, and testing.  We're
grateful for all of your help in making this release happen.

-Kevin [2]

[1] http://www.mutt.org/kevin.key
    GPG fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

[2] Sent by Brendan while we hunt for the keys to the mutt-announce

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