#3754: /tmp/mutt.html not found
  Reporter:  jidanni  |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
  Priority:  trivial  |  Milestone:
 Component:  browser  |    Version:  1.5.23
Resolution:           |   Keywords:

Comment (by kevin8t8):

 Please take a look at "How to view HTML attachments in a new tab in
 firefox:" in http://dev.mutt.org/trac/wiki/MuttFaq/Attachment and see if
 that answers your question.  Let us know if that helps.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3754#comment:3>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent

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