* jpac...@redhat.com <jpac...@redhat.com> [2013-10-24 15:02]:
> Anyway, you sound like a usual mutt user, who prefers stability over
> new-features (this is the trade-off you've mentioned) and therefore you
> can stay calm - you'll get the same quality of stable releases like up
> until now (no changes in the stable release management and it's
> requirements).

Of course, I want new features (a whole bunch of them!) _and_ stability.
This is a trade-off only if we have to choose between applying patches
without review and applying no patches at all.

I guess you don't really want to sacrifice stability either, so in the
end, our goals are probably similar.  We just don't agree on how to get
there.  You suggest the project could be moved forward without
maintainership, while I believe that strong maintainership is the only
realistic option.


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