On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 07:13:13AM -0600, Nicolas Bock wrote:
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 04:33:47PM +0000, Michael Elkins wrote:
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 07:06:32AM -0600, Nicolas Bock wrote:
>When I delete, that is move a message to the [Gmail]/Trash folder,
>then sometimes mutt tells me that there are "no visible messages", and
>the INBOX folder is basically closed. I have to reopen it. But I can't
>find any error or warning in the log files. I will attempt a backtrace
>when this happens again.

Can you tell me a little more detail about what you are doing when
this occurs?  Off the top of my head, I can see the situation you
describe arising when you either have no other messages in the
mailbox, or you have used the 'limit' command and delete all
matching messages.

The INBOX folder contains several messages that are already read. I then move
one message to =[Gmail]/Trash which makes it immediately disappear from the
INBOX folder as opposed to showing as "D" as it would be the case had I moved
it to some other folder. Sometimes mutt tells me that the "folder was
externally modified, and flags might be incorrect" but behaves completely
normally afterwards. Sometimes I get the "no visible messages" status and I
have to reload the folder.

The "mailbox was externally" modified may be from the IMAP server reporting that the message was permanently deleted, but I'm not sure. Gmail doesn't strictly adhere to the IMAP specification. I'm not sure why the other messages would go missing--I'd have to look at the debug log to see what the IMAP conversation was at that point.

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