#3614: Commit 6252:21c085ae6e8f causes configure/prepare failure on OSX 10.4.11
 Reporter:  balderdash  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
     Type:  defect      |      Status:  new     
 Priority:  major       |   Milestone:          
Component:  mutt        |     Version:          
 Keywords:              |  
 Commit 6252:21c085ae6e8f causes configure/prepare failure on OSX 10.4.11
 PPC, when the repo clone is fresh.  I noticed failure on tip and traced it
 back to the named commit.

 My prepare and configure flags are, and have for years been:

   --enable-debug  \
   --enable-imap   \
   --enable-pop    \
   --enable-smtp   \
   --enable-hcache \
   --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl  \
   --with-sasl     \

 When I run that I see:

 configure.ac:7: error: m4_defn: undefined macro: _m4_divert_diversion
 aclocal.m4:90: AM_CONFIG_HEADER is expanded from...
 configure.ac:7: the top level
 autom4te: /usr/bin/gm4 failed with exit status: 1
 configure.ac:7: error: m4_defn: undefined macro: _m4_divert_diversion
 aclocal.m4:90: AM_CONFIG_HEADER is expanded from...
 configure.ac:7: the top level
 autom4te: /usr/bin/gm4 failed with exit status: 1
 autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1

 Running prepare a second time did not help, as it used to (see below).  A
 configure script is left behind but it fails quickly.

 Prior to that, in commit 6251:0703095bf52d and earlier, doing that same
 'prepare' line gives me this:

 configure.ac:114: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG_INT
       If this token and others are legitimate, please use
       See the Autoconf documentation.
 autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1

 But, as has been the case for years, running that prepare line a second
 time makes it work, and I could configure and build just fine.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3614>
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The Mutt mail user agent

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