#3005: almost all colors are bright if bright is used for "normal"
 Reporter:  vinc17   |       Owner:  me      
     Type:  defect   |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  minor    |   Milestone:  2.0     
Component:  display  |     Version:  1.5.17  
 Keywords:           |  
Changes (by me):

  * owner:  mutt-dev => me
  * status:  new => accepted

Old description:

> I have the following in my .muttrc:
> {{{
> color normal brightwhite black
> }}}
> The consequence is that almost all colors are bright. To reproduce the
> bug:
> {{{
> mutt -F /dev/null
> }}}
> then type:
> {{{
> :color index blue green .
> }}}
> You can see that the behavior is correct (index is blue over green). Then
> type:
> {{{
> :color normal brightwhite black
> }}}
> No changes. But after typing Ctrl-L, one can see that all colors are
> bright except the current index line and the status bar (near the
> bottom).
> This is an important problem as on some LCD screens, some combinations of
> colors (in particular bright colors) are not readable with some angles.
> This bug may be related to bug 1259.

New description:

 I have the following in my .muttrc:
 color normal brightwhite black
 The consequence is that almost all colors are bright. To reproduce the
 mutt -F /dev/null
 then type:
 :color index blue green .
 You can see that the behavior is correct (index is blue over green). Then
 :color normal brightwhite black
 No changes. But after typing Ctrl-L, one can see that all colors are
 bright except the current index line and the status bar (near the bottom).

 This is an important problem as on some LCD screens, some combinations of
 colors (in particular bright colors) are not readable with some angles.

 This bug may be related to bug 1259.


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3005#comment:3>
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