Hi, I just got 1.5.21 compiled on my Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 system and noticed that the behavior of auto_view has changed (for me). In my .mailcap, I have two text/html entries. The first is to launch my browser (via Gary Johnson's old "browser launcher from mutt script"), and the second entry is to run elinks.
In 1.5.20 while I was in the Attachments page, my browser was used. But in 1.5.21 elinks is used. Furthermore, if I comment out the elinks line in the .mailcap file, mutt launches /usr/bin/htmlview (which I don't have specified anywhere). The only patch applied so far is patch-1.5.11.waf.save_flag; but I can try it on a clean version of mutt if there is no logical explanation for this behavior. Regards, -- Mun