#3410: Mutt crashes when two instances open the same mailbox
 Reporter:  vext01  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
     Type:  defect  |      Status:  new     
 Priority:  major   |   Milestone:          
Component:  mutt    |     Version:          
 Keywords:          |  
Changes (by vext01):

  * status:  infoneeded_new => new


 > Does Mutt print any sort of error or message right before it crashes?

 Yes, "mailbox closed" and then after about a minute or two is followed by
 the seg fault.

 > Can you run with debugging enabled to help track this down?

 The debug log (at level 99), end like so:

 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: yes, m...@email.org = m...@email.org
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: yes, m...@email.org = m...@email.org
 [2010-05-18 11:39:49] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] mutt_index_menu[605]: Got op 115
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] You are on the last message.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] mutt_index_menu[605]: Got op 120
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] mutt_index_menu[605]: Got op 115
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:39:50] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2010-05-18 11:41:30] 5> a0010 NOOP^M
 [2010-05-18 11:41:30] 5< * BYE Lost mailbox lock
 [2010-05-18 11:41:30] Handling BYE
 [2010-05-18 11:41:30] Lost mailbox lock
 [2010-05-18 11:41:32] Mailbox closed
 [2010-05-18 11:41:33] imap_exec: command failed: * BYE Lost mailbox lock
 [2010-05-18 11:44:53] mutt_index_menu[605]: Got op -1
 [2010-05-18 11:44:53] mx_check_mailbox: null or invalid context.

 (I have been asked by our systems group to censor all user names and

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3410#comment:2>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent

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