Moin, =- Jean-Pierre Radley wrote on Sun 8.Nov'09 at 17:50:09 -0500 -=
> Patrick Shanahan typed (on Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 04:05:39PM -0500): > | > The minutes field in the From_ line is corrupt. > | > The tens position of the minutes field appears blank on every message. > | > | I see the same thing: > | From Sun Nov 8 15: > 5:33 2009 > | > | and have for several months :^( > > Oh, I've seen it for months as well, but only reported it today. :-) Rocco said he fixed it in the repo, I haven't recompiled nightlies since then. -- © Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal! EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude. You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.