On Saturday, August  1 at 08:04 PM, quoth Stephen Hunt:
If I leave my mutt(set up with gmail for IMAP) open for more than 4-5 minutes untouched all my messages disappear from the screen and on the bottom of the screen I get this error "tls_socket_read (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received".

I wonder if a new mutt option, such as $imap_autoreconnect (or whatever you wanna call it) would be good, to make mutt recontact the remote server if the connection is severed for whatever reason.

I only mention this because the Exchange server at work doesn't seem to appreciate long-term idle connections, and appears to prefer that IMAP mail clients behave a bit more like POP3 clients.

That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.
                                                  -- Benjamin Franklin

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