
recently I have upgraded from mutt 1.5.16 to 1.5.20.

the main difference I've noticed is that handling of history of used
folders has changed.

let me explain that by example:

_before_ upgrade I could do the following sequence of actions:

1. I receive and email to main spoolbox (!)
2. I open it, read it and compose a reply
3. in compose menu I change fcc from default to some other mailbox
4. I hit y to send the reply
5. now I'm back to index menu of main spoolbox where I press save
6. prompt for target mailbox opens and I hit up arrow to recall the
same fcc folder I used in compose menu.

now, _after_ upgrade, in step 6 after hitting up arrow I can only see
folders to which I travelled by change folder action. folders used for
storing fcc are not on the history list. this is very annoying...

I started a thread on news://comp.mail.mutt and I got there a pointer
to http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1896

can we keep this bug fix and not change folder history functionality?

thanks in advance, P

Pawel Dziekonski <pawel.dziekon...@wcss.pl>
Wroclaw Centre for Networking & Supercomputing, HPC Department
Politechnika Wr., pl. Grunwaldzki 9, bud. D2/101, 50-377 Wroclaw, POLAND
phone: +48 71 3202043, fax: +48 71 3225797, http://www.wcss.wroc.pl

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