#2883: mutt gets confused when a message disappears from a maildir
  Reporter:  myon    |       Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new     
  Priority:  minor   |   Milestone:  1.6     
 Component:  mutt    |     Version:          
Resolution:          |    Keywords:          
Changes (by stew):

  * status:  closed => new
  * resolution:  worksforme =>


 I can still reproduce this.  Every time.  It doesn't work with a (N)ew
 message, only with (O)ld unread messages it seems.

 Here are the steps, again.

 1) Hit enter on a (O)ld message (a message that was (N)ew the LAST time I
 was in this maildir)
 2) go to ~/Mail/$foldername/cur ; delete the corresponding message file
 3) hit q in mutt to go back to the folder index.
 4) hit "$".

 I then get the message "rename: No such file or directory (errno = 2)"
 until I quit mutt and restart.  (I cannot change folders or sync).

 > What are your settings for $mail_check and $timeout?
 both of those have always been commented out in my config.

 I currently am reproducing this with 1.5.19.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2883#comment:10>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent

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