#3001: format=flowed (interoperability)
  Reporter:  js           |       Owner:  pdmef              
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  started            
  Priority:  minor        |   Milestone:  1.6                
 Component:  mutt         |     Version:                     
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  format=flowed patch

Comment(by brendan):

 This patch looks fine to me. I admit, I'm not 100% comfortable with
 stripping trailing spaces from flowed text when producing fixed replies,
 but I can see the argument, and I don't think there's any perfect answer
 to the problem. (I could imagine a hack that only strips when
 $indent_string isn't flowed-compatible -- "> ?" -- but that seems like it
 might just produce more edge cases to think about). Rocco, do as you see
 fit :)

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3001#comment:9>
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