#2995: Mutt is folding subject line folds using a tab, which appears to be 
RFC 2822
  Reporter:  frnkblk  |       Owner:  mutt-dev                  
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new                       
  Priority:  minor    |   Milestone:  1.6                       
 Component:  mutt     |     Version:  1.5.17                    
Resolution:           |    Keywords:  header folding white-space

Comment(by Frank Bulk):

 Again, I'm not mutt expert, but how often do you think the composer of
 message "meant" to insert "\t" in their subject line?  Not very often, so
 to make messages readable, I would recommend that for the forseeable
 future all those "\t" are stripped from the subject line so that the
 messages are properly readable, with an option somewhere to revert back to
 RFC-standard behavior.

 Yes, it's pragmatic and not RFC-compliant, but it let's mutt users read
 messages as they were meant to be sent.


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2995#comment:>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent

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