#2960: Terminal resize problem after editor is called
  Reporter:  pdmef    |       Owner:  mutt-dev              
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new                   
  Priority:  minor    |   Milestone:  2.0                   
 Component:  display  |     Version:  1.5.16                
Resolution:           |    Keywords:  terminal resize endwin

Comment(by Rocco Rutte):


 * Thomas Dickey wrote:

 zsh 4.2.6 from fink on OS X, bash 3.2.17 shipping with OS X in
 Terminal.app and xterm (Apple X11) are fine, too. Debian lenny: zsh

 With bash 3.2.39 I see the same (though it does draw the indicator over
 the whole screen in case the line in the index is not truncated).


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2960#comment:>
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