Some more minor defects in mutt hg HEAD. Kindly ignore the accidental .hgignore patch. 14 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) .hgignore | 2 ++ alias.c | 3 ++- browser.c | 7 ++++++- buffy.c | 10 ++++------ curs_main.c | 2 +- flags.c | 10 ++++++---- imap/browse.c | 1 + imap/imap.c | 9 ++++++--- main.c | 2 +- pgp.c | 2 +- pgpkey.c | 8 ++++---- recvcmd.c | 2 +- rfc822.c | 2 +- smime.c | 1 +
- [PATCH 00 of 16] Minoi defects in mutt hg HEAD Erik Hovland
- [PATCH 09 of 16] resort_index will use menu->current ... Erik Hovland
- [PATCH 03 of 16] Since contex_sb might be uninitialized,... Erik Hovland
- Re: [PATCH 03 of 16] Since contex_sb might be uninit... Rocco Rutte
- Re: [PATCH 03 of 16] Since contex_sb might be un... Erik Hovland
- Re: [PATCH 03 of 16] Since contex_sb might b... Rocco Rutte
- Re: [PATCH 03 of 16] Since contex_sb mi... Erik Hovland
- Re: [PATCH 03 of 16] Since contex_s... Erik Hovland
- [PATCH 01 of 16] Assigning pc in these two places doesn'... Erik Hovland
- [PATCH 13 of 16] The assigned value 't' is never used. R... Erik Hovland