Hi Brendan,

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 08:01:17PM -0800, Brendan Cully wrote:
> Sorry, it's in limbo at the moment. Whenever I get mutt time now it
> goes towards bugfixes rather than features. Unless there's sudden
> demand, this patch will probably be deferred for a while.

Thanks for this answer.  I was under the impression that no developper
was paying attention to my patch which would have falled flat

Now I know this is because the code is somewhat freezed for bug
shooting.  How can I ensure that it won't be forgotten?  Should I submit
it into Trac or should I come back later when the development branch
will be re-opened to new features?  In the later case, how do I know the
proper time?

Thanks a lot.
-- Jeremie

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