* Brian Salter-Duke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-03 13:43 +1100]:
I get the headers as part of the message to edit, I have always done
this and I think it comes from setting edit_header. I am happy to add
the subject there. I would prefer to not have to hit enter when
No Subject: Abort? ([Yes]/No
comes up. I have:-
folder-hook . set abort_nosubject=ask-yes
folder-hook mutt.dev set abort_nosubject=ask-no
folder-hook mutt.dev \
'macro index M "<mail>mutt-dev^M^M" "mail to list"<enter>'
Your setting for abort_nosubject is telling it to ask you. It's a
quadoption -- you need to set abort_nosubject to 'no' and it should
stop nagging you.
Or am I completely misunderstanding you?
Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California