Patrick Shanahan wrote: [Tue Sep 11 2007, 08:53:27AM EDT] > *default* is the definition of mutt's color table, not xterm's, and > mutt prevails.
I think this depends on whether mutt is compiled against slang or ncurses. In my experience, when mutt is compiled against slang, it forces the background color to either white or black. When mutt is compiled against ncurses, then "default" allows the background to remain as-is. I switch between black-on-white and white-on-black xterms regularly. Using mutt with ncurses allows this to happen flawlessly. I don't have to make any changes to my color scheme. color attachment brightblue default color hdrdefault magenta default color indicator black cyan color markers brightred default color normal default default color quoted green default color signature magenta default color status white blue color tilde blue default color tree blue default # links color body brightblue default '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' color body brightblue default '(https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+' # quotes color body blue default " *^[A-Za-z0-9]*[>|#:}].*" color body green default " *^[>|#:}] *[A-Za-z0-9]*[>|#:}].*" # diffs color body red default '^-.*' color body blue default '^\+.*' color body magenta default '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' color body yellow default '^Modified: .*' color body yellow default '^================================================== # *Bold* -- will not work if split over lines color body red default "\\*+[A-Za-z']+([ \n][A-Za-z']+)*\\*+" # _Underlined_ -- will not work if split over lines color body red default " _[A-Za-z']+([ \n][A-Za-z']+)*_" # /Italics/ -- will not work if split over lines color body red default " /[A-Za-z']+([ \n][A-Za-z']+)*/" On a slight tangent, I've never seen a case where using slang works better than ncurses. I can't understand why it was ever introduced into mutt. I'd rather just see it go away, esp. since that would open the door for mutt to use some of the more advanced features of ncurses, as Thomas Dickey mentioned earlier. Aron