#2917: format/flowed messages are not properly filled

Comment (by John Hawkinson):

 pdmef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 21 Jun 2007
 at 07:27:28 -0000 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 >  This is not a mutt bug (I'd say) but a badly prepared format=flowed
 >  message. The reason is that all lines do ''not'' end in a trailing
 >  i.e. ''all'' lines are fixed.

 I think you are misinterpretting.

 format=flowed messages are permitted to have fixed lines and flowed
 lines. mutt should not wrap the fixed lines, especially when they are
 under 80 columns in an 80-column window and wrap=0.

 The particular message that I was looking at, from which I extracted
 this test case, had both fixed paragraphs and flowed paragraphs. The
 flowed paragraphs were displayed properly by mutt, but the fixed were

 If its of interest, the message was sent with

 User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.3)

 and I seem to encounter them with some regularity. :(

 Even were it the case that this were a badly-formatted format=flowed
 message (which it is not), mutt should still try to display it
 properly, in the "be liberal in what you accept" vein.


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2917#comment:>

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