#2912: decrypt gnupg message fails with "Could not copy message"

 This is what the .muttdebug0 looks like:
 mutt_pgp_command: gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose --batch --output -
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG-E key, ID 8F9380D6,
 created 2007-04-23" doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "      "x"" doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit ELG-E key, ID 376AE602,
 created 2006-09-29" doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "      "Kai Timmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"" doesn't match
 parse_parameters: `micalg=pgp-sha1; protocol="application/pgp-signature";
 parse_parameter: `micalg' = `pgp-sha1'
 parse_parameter: `protocol' = `application/pgp-signature'
 parse_parameter: `boundary' = `=-g/4hl8ulcKF1Ga3MI16U'
 parse_parameters: `boundary="=-7n1Kb9Z71jvtel3HXM3B"'
 parse_parameter: `boundary' = `=-7n1Kb9Z71jvtel3HXM3B'
 parse_parameters: `name=signature.asc'
 parse_parameter: `name' = `signature.asc'
 parse_parameters: `filename=8295374E.asc'
 parse_parameter: `filename' = `8295374E.asc'
 parse_parameters: `name=8295374E.asc'
 parse_parameter: `name' = `8295374E.asc'
 ../crypt.c:836: mutt_mktemp returns "/tmp/mutt-valinor-1000-32324-6".
 ../pgp.c:604: mutt_mktemp returns "/tmp/mutt-valinor-1000-32324-7".
 mutt_pgp_command: gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify /tmp/mutt-
 valinor-1000-32324-6.asc /tmp/mutt-valinor-1000-32324-6
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg: Signature made Do 14 Jun 2007 12:46:13 CEST using
 DSA key ID xxxxxxx doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg: Good signature from "x"" matches regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg:                 aka "x" doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg:                 aka "x"" doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted
 signature!" doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "gpg:          There is no indication that the
 signature belongs to the owner." doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_copy_checksig: "Primary key fingerprint: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
 XXXX XXXX" doesn't match regexp.
 pgp_verify_one: mutt_wait_filter returned 0.
 pgp_verify_one: returning 0.
 ../handler.c:1898: mutt_mktemp returns "/tmp/mutt-valinor-1000-32324-8".
 ../handler.c:302 [mutt_decode_base64()]: didn't get a multiple of 4 chars.
 mutt_free_body: Not unlinking 8295374E.asc.
 mutt_free_body: Not unlinking signature.asc.
 Konnte Nachricht nicht kopieren.
 This happens only with a few PGP messages. Mostly i can check the
 signature and decrypt the messages without any problems.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2912>

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