#2890: SMTP support: "...sending in background" mutt version 1.5.15 plus several patches (none affecting SMTP)
I'm using the newly introduced SMTP support, using the config variable $smtp_url. Now, my server seems flakey or slow or both. *shrug* After a while of status message "Contacting smtp.domain.tld...", I get the status message "Sending in background." I have no idea what mutt does or can do in the background. A sendmail process can be detached, but an SMTP delivery? To a new thread? So, in fact, that mail never arrives. And it is lost, I cannot reedit it (not from TMPDIR either), because mutt considers it "gone". This is hard to reproduce (I have no control over the server of course ;->). Giving a bogus $smtp_url to a non-relaying, non-SMTP host correctly returns with a connection error (or something like that), and takes me back to the message compose area. -- Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2890>