#2413: configure does not use global prefix when looking for gdbm

Changes (by brendan):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed

Old description:

> {{{
> Calling:
> ./prepare \
>         --prefix /sw \
>         --with-homespool \
>         --enable-imap \
>         --enable-hcache \
>         --with-curses=/sw \
>         --with-gdbm \
>         --with-ssl
> Will not find a usable gdbm even though that one is installed in the /sw
> tree pointed to by --prefix. When looking at the configur.in script I
> also noted that it is not possible to specify an explicit location of
> gdbm using the form --with-gdbm=/sw. To be able to build mutt with gdbm i
> did the following "hack" in configure.in. Can someone that knows the
> semantics and syntax of configure.in please do better solution?
> cvs diff
> ? doc/manual.xml
> cvs diff: Diffing .
> Index: configure.in
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/roessler/cvs/mutt/configure.in,v
> retrieving revision 3.52
> diff -r3.52 configure.in
> 793,794c793,794
> <         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -lgdbm";
> ---
> >         CPPFLAGS="$OLDCPPFLAGS -I/sw/include"
> >         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -L/sw/lib -lgdbm";
> 855,856c855,856
> <         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -lgdbm";
> ---
> >         CPPFLAGS="$OLDCPPFLAGS -I/sw/include"
> >         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -L/sw/lib -lgdbm";
> cvs diff: Diffing contrib
> cvs diff: Diffing contrib/iconv
> cvs diff: Diffing doc
> cvs diff: Diffing imap
> cvs diff: Diffing intl
> cvs diff: Diffing m4
> cvs diff: Diffing po

> Also note that the same problem applies to some of the other databases
> that one may select via prepre/configure
> >How-To-Repeat:
> >Fix:
> Unknown
> }}}

New description:


 ./prepare \
         --prefix /sw \
         --with-homespool \
         --enable-imap \
         --enable-hcache \
         --with-curses=/sw \
         --with-gdbm \

 Will not find a usable gdbm even though that one is installed in the /sw
 tree pointed to by --prefix. When looking at the configur.in script I also
 noted that it is not possible to specify an explicit location of gdbm
 using the form --with-gdbm=/sw. To be able to build mutt with gdbm i did
 the following "hack" in configure.in. Can someone that knows the semantics
 and syntax of configure.in please do better solution?

 cvs diff
 ? doc/manual.xml
 cvs diff: Diffing .
 Index: configure.in
 RCS file: /home/roessler/cvs/mutt/configure.in,v
 retrieving revision 3.52
 diff -r3.52 configure.in
 <         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -lgdbm";
 >         CPPFLAGS="$OLDCPPFLAGS -I/sw/include"
 >         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -L/sw/lib -lgdbm";
 <         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -lgdbm";
 >         CPPFLAGS="$OLDCPPFLAGS -I/sw/include"
 >         LIBS="$OLDLIBS -L/sw/lib -lgdbm";
 cvs diff: Diffing contrib
 cvs diff: Diffing contrib/iconv
 cvs diff: Diffing doc
 cvs diff: Diffing imap
 cvs diff: Diffing intl
 cvs diff: Diffing m4
 cvs diff: Diffing po

 Also note that the same problem applies to some of the other databases
 that one may select via prepre/configure


 --with-gdbm accepts a prefix as of [7cf4415ec23d]

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2413#comment:2>

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