On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 07:58:53AM -0700, Brendan Cully wrote:
> > btw, www.mutt.org is down.
> not here.
> > the wiki still links to bugs.mutt.org, which is still active. is this
> > intended?
> bugs.mutt.org is supposed to point to dev.mutt.org/trac/.
> $ host bugs.mutt.org ns.gbnet.net seems to indicate that it does. I
> have no idea what's wrong with DNS propagation. It seems to be a mess.

There appears to be two problems with mutt.org's DNS:

$ whois mutt.org
[Querying whois.publicinterestregistry.net]
[much skippage of irrelevant stuff]
Name Server:NS.GBNET.NET
Name Server:NS1.GBNET.NET

$ dig @NS.GBNET.NET www.mutt.org |grep www
; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> @NS.GBNET.NET www.mutt.org
;www.mutt.org.                  IN      A
www.mutt.org.           86400   IN      A

$ dig @ns1.gbnet.net www.mutt.org |grep www
; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> @ns1.gbnet.net www.mutt.org
;www.mutt.org.                  IN      A
www.mutt.org.           86400   IN      A

$ dig @ns.sigpipe.org www.mutt.org |grep www
; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> @ns.sigpipe.org www.mutt.org
[No answer]

$ dig @kamino.does-not-exist.org www.mutt.org |grep www
; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> @kamino.does-not-exist.org www.mutt.org
;www.mutt.org.                  IN      A
www.mutt.org.           86400   IN      CNAME   mutt.org.

$ dig @kamino.does-not-exist.org mutt.org
mutt.org.               86400   IN      A

1. NS.SIGPIPE.ORG is not answering queries for mutt.org, but it is
listed as a name server.

2. KAMINO.DOES-NOT-EXIST.ORG is still listed as a name server for
mutt.org, but it serving bad addresses.

Be forewarned, for a .org domain, you need at least 3 valid DNS
servers, or else at least some sites will treat your domain as
invalid/unresolvable.  This is documented somewhere, though I've lost
the liink...  I found that out the hard way when my own domain went
down, for having only 2 DNS servers.  :(  

[It's possible that this is a requirement of a registrar that I used,
not of the Internet at large; I can't recall the specifics nor can I
find it with a quick search...]

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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