
* Matthew D. Fuller [07-03-13 07:01:30 -0500] wrote:
1.5.14 seems to do some odd reflowing of multi-line headers.
SpamAssassin scores are a good example.  I've got a message in a
maildir; the raw file has (tabs->spaces via c&p):

Some questions:

  1) What version exactly? Really 1.5.14 or beyond?
  2) What's the Content-Type: header of the message?
  3) Does the header line in question have trailing spaces?
  4) What's your value of $wrapmargin (or $wrap for recent hg versions)?

I think the new f=f handler could flow headers when told to flow but I'm not sure (without looking at the code) whether the message handlers get too see headers, too.

  bye, Rocco

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