* Thomas Roessler on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 11:40:25 +0100:
> I think your best bet right now is the hg repository, at 
>   http://dev.mutt.org/hg/mutt
> I don't understand what process Brendan is currently using to
> generate the ChangeLog, though.

I think that's the hg-commit script.


PS. I know being against top-quoting is considered retro (of
course I personally believe that the arrière-garde will be the
avant-garde [which is why I use Mutt] ;) ), but I don't know
whether quoting after a signature separator is a good idea. --
Also, judging from the complaints of friends who work in a
corporate environment about people never actually /reading/
mails, I am not convinced that top-quoting enhances efficiency --
insert smileys according to taste.
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